My Photos

1. I took this photo of my best friend at a Barnes & Nobles at home this summer. In this photo, I used the rule of thirds placing the subject in the right position of the frame. Also, the tables covered in books lead the viewers eyes towards the middle of the store with natural leading lines, which also creates depth as well. 

2. In this photo, I am walking up a mountain with my mom on Easter morning. I think what is working in this photo is the lighting because I used to to my advantage illuminating where we were heading. I also have rule of thirds and the perspective of being behind her as we walk up help demonstrate that we were going somewhere above. I was also using a wide frame here to allow more of the mountain to be shown, so viewers can understand how big it was. Finally, you can see the use of diagonals to give the illusion to walking up as well.  

3. In this image in Pensacola when we visited my brother during his summer league this summer, you can see how I took advantage of the sunset to illustrate the setting of the image. It also shows my perspective from the car I was in. The clouds and sunset are also working rule of thirds. 

4. This image I took when I picked flowers with a fall vibe last year in Hobby Lobby is simple. It is focused on the flowers only. There is depth because there are flowers close and back from the camera. I have also filled the frame with nothing but the flowers. This image differs from my others because there is a lot of visible patterns that emphasize the reason I chose the colors in the first place. 
