My NEW Photos

 My NEW Photos

1. In this photo I took leaving class Thursday, demonstrates using leading lines to create a visual journey for my viewers in a unique way. It was also taken from a higher angle from my perspective on the stairs. The image fills the frame as well as has repetition in grass and stone. 

2. I went to Walmart an immediately thought about taking pictures of the fruit. In this photo, there is depth. The oranges are the focus, they are close up. But the background is blurred, yet you can still make out the pineapples in the background. They are both the subjects. The angle shows my perspective. There is also diagonals created from the boards holding the fruit inside. You can find patterns/repetition in the color of the fruits. Finally, the fruit fills the frame. 

3. Also in Walmart, I took a picture of my friend deciding on a snack. I took the picture from my perspective, which shows the leading lines guiding the viewers down the aisle and to the subject. There is depth from the wide angle and patterns and repetition in the different brands of snacks and the way they are set up. Lastly, rule of thirds comes into play here with the subject directly in the middle and although she is far away our eyes immediately detect her presence because she's in the middle or at eye level.

4. In this photo I took in the cafe as my friend was promoting herself for homecoming, I broke rules by cutting off half of her head. I wanted the flyer to be the main focus. I got natural lighting in this photo from the sun shining through the window next to us. There is depth in this photo because there are essentially two subjects, the flyer and the person behind. The last principle in this photo is that it fills the frame. 
