Notes on Social Dilemma

Here is what I found interesting in The Social Dilemma

  • There were many positive things that came from social media, but we never thought about the flip side of the coin.
  • The snapchat filter surgery is crazy.
  • Social media is making people depressed.
  • Fake news has created hate, which has led to the forming of hate groups and crimes.
  • Our technology has put us in a bubble.
  • Google started selling their users.
  • Companies started focusing on competition, "how much of their lives will they give to us." 
  • The change in your behavior and your perception is the product. Changing who you are and how you act. 
  • They track you and what you do, so their advertisements will be successful.
  • Everything we do online is being monitored, even how long you look at an image.
  • Internet companies are the most wealthiest companies in history. 
  • They know more about ourselves than we do. 
  • They build models that predicate what well do next, and whoever has the best model will win. What will keep us interested?
  • Understanding how your brain is vulnerable is another type of discipline. 
  • Us being programmed is a design technique.
  • Social media uses your psychology against you.
  • Social media keeps us in a cycle of trying to impress our followers. 
  • It is set up to where everyone in your news feed thinks like you. It enables us to be manipulated. 
  • Fake news spreads six times as fast as true news.
  • False information makes more money than the truth. 
  • Technology isn't the threat, it the extramental threat that technology creates. 
