Generative AI in a Nutshell Notes

  • started off as machines that execute instructions, now learn and think like humans
  • compare your computers to Einstein in the age of ai
  • we have to grow our imagination and prompt engineering skills
  • artificial intelligence
    • scanning your credit card
  • generative ai makes content 
  • you have to give generated ai information to get more information back 
    • dog example (dogs are? vs dogs are animals...)
  • unsupervised generative pre-training is shown through the ai's ability to predict what we are going to type next
  • GPT = generative pre-training transformer
  • there are different types of generative ai that create different content (text image models, image to image, speech to text, etc) 
  • there are different ai's esp. on ChatGPT that are newer and older depending on the version
    • reason for old or newer information
  • artificial intelligence is always learning and their improvement is increasing at an exponential rate compared to humans
  • think of ai as your colleague (you + ai = positive results)
  • good prompts state the task, give context, and tell it to ask you questions
  • ai is a useful tool that can help you and your company
  • experiment with ai 
